I've forgotten my password

PO Fran HIbbins


My Cadet career only started properly in March 2015 at a ripe old age of 28. I was friends with two Flt Lft's in Yorkshire Wing and a trip up to see them always resulted in a night at Dinnington Sqn. Every time I went up, I would come home and say 'That was fun, I could enjoy that' and I eventually got myself into gear and emailed Sevenoaks' then Commanding Officer Russell Dowling. I was, of course, welcomed with open arms and I haven't looked back.

Being a CI allowed me to see the inner workings of the Squadron and it has also allowed me to do several different roles. I have run D of E, written the training programme for the Sqn and I am still the Flying Officer, bidding for days where I can send cadets to RAF Benson so they can learn to fly or to Kenley for Gliding.

It didn't take long for me to realise that I would like to go into Uniform and in September of 2017 I passed my board and am now a Sergeant. As the only Sgt at the Squadron currently I am now in charge of Drill and Discipline as well as Flying. This is a completely different role for me and as I have no experience as a Cadet it is rather like being thrown into the deep end, however it is a role I am thoroughly enjoying and one which I know I can do even better. As part of my training for the role I will be spending a week at RAF Cranwell in the next few months where I can truly learn my trade.

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